TUC – Recruiting Black Safety Reps – Free Online Courses: ‘An introduction to the Role of Union Health and Safety Rep’

TUC – Recruiting Black Safety Reps – Free Online Courses: ‘An introduction to the Role of Union Health and Safety Rep’

The TUC has announced a number of Health and Safety Reps introductory courses for Black union members.

The TUC are aiming the courses at encouraging more people to consider the role of a Union health and safety representative, but especially those from underrepresented groups and backgrounds. The TUC know from previous surveys that, across the movement, Union safety rep demographic is not as diverse as the wider workforce.

There has been positive feedback so far for the courses that have been run in the past, and so the TUC are running them again.

The CWU would wish to support this initiative and would encourage Union Branches and existing safety reps to encourage members of their branch, who might potentially be interested in considering taking up the Safety Rep role but want to know more about what it involves, have concerns addressed or questions answered, hear about the issues and campaigns that safety reps work on, and action they can take? If so, then these courses are designed to support, raise awareness and encourage those members, so please share the course details with the appropriate candidates.

These are ‘free’ online introductory courses, with the option to proceed to full Health and Safety Rep training.

The courses are for Black union members only because the TUC has identified that Black workers are under-represented in the role of health and safety reps.

This course is not designed for members who are *already* a health and safety rep.

Those attending must be a member of a union affiliated to the Trades Union Congress.

The courses are free, online and open to any member who defines as Black (so long as they are not already a safety rep!)

There next course is as follows:-

  • 13:30 – 17:30 – Tuesday 25thJune

Registration: – https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0od-murTsoE9HmEzTtAmC-lCcLnr3DR0n0#/registration

More Courses at a later date are under consideration and will be advertised in due course.

Yours Sincerely,

Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety and Environment Officer

LTB 193-24 – TUC – Recruiting Black Safety Reps – Free Online Courses An introduction to the Role of Union Health and Safety Rep

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