Result of ballot:













Spoilt ballot papers



Total ballot papers received



Total ballot papers dispatched





I am satisfied that there are no reasonable grounds for believing that there was any contravention of a requirement imposed by or under any enactment in relation to the ballot.


I am satisfied that the arrangements made with respect to the production, storage, distribution, return or other handling of the voting papers used in the ballot, and the arrangements for the counting of the votes, included all such security arrangements as were reasonably practicable for the purpose of minimisingthe risk that any unfairness or malpractice might occur.


I am satisfied that I have been able to carry out the functions conferred on me without any interference from the trade union or any of its members, officials or employees.


Certified by:

Anne Hock

Independent Scrutineer


31st October 2018

BRANCH ELECTIONS : Branch Treasurer 




Nominations are now open for the following position


Branch Treasurer 


The timetable will be as follows



Nominations open0900 Thursday 25th October 2018

Nominations close0900 Thursday 8th November 2018



Where ballots are needed the timetable will be advised.


Nomination forms are available from the Branch Secretary; branch.secretary@cwue5.org or PO Box 438, Peterborough, PE4 5PE, 

or telephone 01733 382512 / 077854 60070


Andy Beeby

Branch Secretary

24th October 2018

Peterborough Delivery Revision : Election Results

Election Results


Peterborough Delivery Revision 


Ballot Papers Despatched 193


Number of Ballot Papers Returned 114


Those Voting YES82


Those Voting NO32


Spoilt Paper0


Return was 59%


Therefore the Revision is AGREED




Luke Smith, Ernie Orviss, Steve Clarke and Clive Haylett acted as scrutineers.


Any enquiries to Andy Beeby, Branch Secretary.

The UK Work Stress Network Annual Conference 2018 – Hillscourt Conference, Centre, Rednal, Birmingham B45 8RS – Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November 2018: “Future Proofing Our Work Stress Protections”

The UK Work Stress Network Annual Conference 2018 – Hillscourt Conference, Centre, Rednal, Birmingham B45 8RS – Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November 2018Future Proofing Our Work Stress Protections”

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

The UK Work Stress Network has announced that their Annual Conference 2018 will take place at the Hillscourt Conference Centre, Rednal, Birmingham B45 8RS on Saturday, 24 November 2018, 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Sunday, 25 November 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

In line with CWU Conference Policy, the CWU is proud to announce its continued support and sponsorship of both the UK Work Stress Network Conference and the new edition of the organisation’s excellent “Work Stress Handbook” published earlier this year.

The UK National Work Stress Network is a Trade Unionist led organisation which is committed to the eradication of the causes of work-related stress and associated illnesses. It campaigns to advance this aim through its involvement with the Hazards Campaign and in conjunction with the TUC, European organisations and within UK Trade Union structures.

The Network calls for:-

  • Employers, Company Directors and Managers at all levels to acknowledge their duty of care and for their acceptance of their health and safety responsibilities to the workforce;
  • Legislation and enforcement procedures to outlaw all forms of workplace stress, bullying and victimisation; also to ensure full corporate liability for workplace injury; and
  • The creation of a caring, supportive workplace culture with ‘Dignity at Work’ for all and for worker sensitive procedures for all.

The Network consists of many hundreds of like-minded people, some of whom have suffered the consequences of work-related stress. Amongst them are experienced caseworkers, counsellors, occupational health workers, Trades Union lay and paid officers and those who are just determined to see effective management which recognises the needs of the workforce as well as of business.

The Conference will examine working lives becoming much more complex and stressful. Working life is becoming more complex from all angles. Following the EU referendum result, with ‘BREXIT’ looming, we face an uncertain future for the country, employment and business. Employment and other laws originating from the EU, once transferred into UK law, will almost certainly face dilution or even removal under another Conservative Government. Health and Safety laws are still in place but many employers disregard or are ignorant of the HSE Stress Management Standards.

The Prime Minister has flagged up a greater need for better care and support particularly for Mental Health. The government commissioned Stevenson-Farmer independent review into workplace mental health concluded that the UK faces a significant mental health challenge at work and that both employers and government must prioritise and invest far more in improving mental health. At the same time the NHS is struggling to keep up, and no extra money seems to be forthcoming. Pressures on public services continue to remain high under the enduring austerity regime. Workers face increasing demands on their time and skills.

There is relentless change at work, which in itself is intensely fatiguing.

Recent research has shown that those with disabilities suffer disadvantage at a range of levels – all of which increases stress levels.

Are you a young worker dealing with the brave new world of zero hours contracts, coping with the demands of more than one employer? Are you a middle aged worker coping with the pressures of being both a worker and a parent to children (younger and older) at home? Are you the carer of elderly parents? Or are you an older worker having to work much longer than you had ever anticipated? Working life is becoming more complex from both ends of the age spectrum.

  • Young workers 
  • Older aging workers 
  • Zero Hours Contracts 
  • Doing two jobs 
  • Working and parenting 
  • Working and being a carer 
  • Long hours of work 
  • Manual work demands 

Whichever applies, the world of work has never been more stressful.

A greater recognition of mental health issues is very welcome and brings increased responsibilities for employers. It also brings more challenges for our work as health and safety stewards.

This conference will examine the impact of mental health issues at work as we move through our careers that are being extended every year. It will examine new research on specific age groups and what problems are being identified. It will explore strategies that we can promote to improve working life for those with mental health issues in the workplace.

No-one has any idea precisely what is ahead for us. All we can say for certain is that as Trade Unionists we will be operating in a challenging and changing environment.

This UK National Stress Network Conference will give an opportunity to reflect, discuss and learn from each other. It will examine what is ahead as hopefully there will be by then a much clearer idea of the future. The Conference will focus on how best to defend hard-won Trade Union Health and Safety protections whatever the atmosphere the UK is faced with post Brexit. The conference will also look at the strategies needed, whistleblowing, campaigning, organising, and how Unions, Safety Reps and Workers can protect themselves. The Conference will be identifying the protections already achieved in work stress, what is under threat and how best to protect them.

Speakers and workshops are to be confirmed shortly. Those who attend regularly will be aware of the record for providing interesting speakers and stimulating, interesting workshops.

UK National Work-Stress Network Conference Further Information:-

Julie Walker
6 Greenhill Avenue
Email Address: ukstresscoordinator@gmail.com
Website: http://www.workstress.net/


A copy of the Booking Form is attached in pdf format and is also available from the following link:


This conference is aimed at Health and Safety Representatives, Trades Union Officials and Shop Stewards, Human Resources and Health and Safety Specialists and Stress Management Consultants.

This is a very popular annual event – book early to secure a place.

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

18LTB610 The UK Work Stress Network Annual Conference 2018

Future Proofing Our Work Stress Protections

View Online

CWU Women’s Conference Motion – Female Facilities in BT

CWU Women’s Conference Motion – Female Facilities in BT

At this year’s CWU Women’s Conference a motion was debated and carried regarding the provision of female toilets across the BT Estate.

The main instruction within the motion called for the Women’s Advisory Committee to work with the CWU Officers to ensure that BT urgently address the issue of access and lockable toilets in BT buildings where only one toilet is available; where multiple toilets are in place this should be suitably labelled to identify male or female use and fit for purpose.

The motion also stated that BT should ensure that where no toilet is available on site, details of the nearest toilet (in a public or BT building), is displayed in a prominent location within the building to assist everyone who needs access to toilet facilities.

As a result of this motion representations have been made to BTPFS and discussions have now taken place on the issue of improving toilet facilities, particularly for female engineers.

The business have informed the CWU that a project has already commenced which involves surveying each of the 172 buildings where there are currently female engineers.

The survey will inform on the requirements in each building in order to complete an appropriate refresh of the toilets. It is hoped that the survey will be completed by early November and that refresh will begin between November and completed by March 2019.

A specification regarding the female toilets to include:

  • Gender neutral signage. 
  • Good lighting. 
  • Uni-sex toilets with single cubicle (no urinals) 
  • Floor to ceiling walls or individual toilets. 
  • Robust locks. 
  • Clean environment and a feeling of safety. 
  • Directional signage in the reception of the building.

Times scales are as follows:

  • Local P&FS refresh programme to commence late Autumn 2018.
  • Duration of programme will be circa 12 months 

The CWU has also being informed of a Welfare location app that is at user testing stage that will inform engineers about the location of building facilities. When the app is opened a map is displayed with the location and the nearest BT buildings with toilets. It is expected that this app will be available in October 2018.

Clearly as more female engineers are recruited into the business there will need to be a requirement to monitor where new females join and in which buildings they are working in order that the provision of female facilities is sufficient.

It will be the intention of the CWU to continue to work with the business to ensure this programme is rolled out and that the refresh programme is completed.

Any queries should be addressed to Sally Bridge, National Officer atsabridge@cwu.org

Yours sincerely,

Sally Bridge

National Officer  

LTB 608.2018 CWU Women’s Conference Motion – Female Facilities in BT 29.10.18

View Online

Dave Ward on LBC – Your support is needed

Dave Ward on LBC – Your support is needed

Dear colleagues,

Tomorrow (Tuesday 30th October) Dave Ward, General Secretary will once again have an hour-long slot on LBC Radio. The response to the last show was amazing with members and representatives massively supporting the work we did to promote the event.

It is now time to do the same and more. In the lead up to the show tomorrow we are asking you to take to social media using the hashtag #GetTheDaveOn and tag @CWUNews @LBC and @IainDale into your posts supporting a union voice being heard in the media.

We also ask that during the show you join us in promoting the union via #GetTheDaveOn but also phoning in with your question on 0345 60 60 973.

If we want more CWU voices in the media we have to take these opportunities and throw our weight behind them.

Thank you for all your support.


Is it possible to vote socialism into power in ‘free-market democracy?’ Nicolas Lalaguna – Morning Star article – Thursday 26th October 2018

Is it possible to vote socialism into power in ‘free-market democracy?’

The revival of socialism has come with an unwelcome renewal of faith in the ‘democratic’ system. The system is anything but democratic, explains Nicolas Lalaguna – Morning Star article – Thursday 26th October 2018

For several years now there has been a resurgence of socialism and a subsequent political mainstreaming of progr

For me the question is, whether the ‘state’ in the ‘free-market democracy‘ model, is funda


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Dear colleagues,

Today at 11:00 we launched www.saveourpostoffice.co.uk – this microsite will give us the ability to quickly gain support online for our campaign to protect Post Offices.

In the coming weeks we will be working with external partners, Labour and Momentum to ensure both of the tools on the website are used as widely as possible.

The site has two asks;

  1. For people to fill out a simple form which sends a letter off to their local MP
  2. Another simple form which will collect signatures for our petition to the Secretary of State

It is absolutely vital that we maximise the influence of our members across the whole union on this. We want people to sign-up, to sign their friends and families and to share the link via social media, WhatsApp and Email.

Going forward we will produce the petition in paper form to support other elements of our campaign.

Please write to your MP and sign the petition today. When sharing on social media please always share the web link www.saveourpostoffice.co.uk and use #SaveOurPostOffice

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